Logistics employee Albert Heijn Zaandam (English)Fresh – tempo team – Zaandam

tempo team


Do you know how to collect orders quickly? And do youwant to earn € 15,91 per hour? Earning up to € 22,11 with bonuses,and allowances!? What are you waiting for? Become a logisticemployee at Albert Heijn distribution center Zaandam!

We don’t provide housing or sponsorships

What we offer

  • A salary of € 15,91 per hour (from21+)
  • A job for longer period oftime
  • With allowances you earn up to €21,03 perhour
  • Free parking & easy with publictransport
  • A flexible schedule, and a job forlonger time
  • Travelallowance

Who youare

As a logistic employee it isimportant that you are motivated to earn a lot of money, andfurther:

  • You already have experiencewith working in a warehouse
  • Minimal height of1.65 m or 5ft5
  • You can work in shifts from07:00 – 15:30, and 23:00 – 07:00 (only working in the morning shiftis also possible)

What will youdo

As a logistic employee, youwill be driving with an EPT. Through the order picking system, youknow exactly where to go and which products to pick up. This wayyou know how to collect all orders at a fast pace. From time totime, you will have to use your muscles. That saves you a visit tothe gym. Ideal right ?!

  • Collectorders
  • Using a voice pickingsystem
  • Work in a coolingenvironment
  • Lift products ontopallets

Where will youwork

Did you know that AlbertHeijn Zaandam distribution center is one of the largest in theNetherlands? Wow…. Getting lost? Oh, no. This warehouse has thelatest gadgets and systems. Fortunately, as a logistic employee youdon’t just get lost here!
You work here with the nicestcolleagues you can imagine. There is always time to have a nicechat with your colleagues, while enjoying a nice cup ofcoffee!
Did you know that every week ”the winner of theweek” is chosen here? (next time it will be you, right?!) If youare selected you will receive a nice present! Also, you can pointout your schedule preferences for the following week! Hownice!!

Job application

You will do a great job as a logistic employee! Applynow and you will be in touch with us as soon as possible. Thatmeans you will receive your first salary within two weeks! If youhave any questions, don’t hesitate to call, mail or text us.Applying can be done without a CV! Talk to you soon!

Uiteraard staat deze vacature open voor iedereen die zich hierinherkent.

Om tesolliciteren heb je een account nodig. Bij je eerste sollicitatiemaak je dit eenvoudig via het sollicitatieformulier aan. Bij eenvolgende sollicitatie kun je inloggen en worden je gegevensopgehaald. Met je account kun je inloggen op Mijn Tempo-Team. Hierkun je de voortgang van je sollicitatie(s) volgen en jepersoonlijke gegevens en cv aanvullen zodat wij de beste baan voorjou kunnen vinden.

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